
Irori - Local produced wild vegetables cuisine in a traditional Gassho Zukuri

IRORI Set Menu Irori

IRORI Set Menu


A homely and traditional restaurant serving local cuisine using wild vegetables and fish, and the main charm is you are dining in a traditional Gassho Zukuri!

It is also conveniently located near the bus terminal of Shirakawago, where you could probably start your day trip having a late breakfast first and go on full exploring mode after that.

Ironplate Egg Irori

Ironplate Egg

Deep-fried Tofu in soy sauce Irori

Deep-fried Tofu in soy sauce

Potato and some kind of wild flower/vegetable Irori

Potato and some kind of wild flower/vegetable

Broiled Hida Beef with Miso on Hoba Leaf Irori

Broiled Hida Beef with Miso on Hoba Leaf

Close up shot of the Hida Beef and Miso Irori

Close up shot of the Hida Beef and Miso

Grilled Grated Yam Irori

Grilled Grated Yam

Pickled Radish Irori

Pickled Radish

Puffed Rice Miso Soup with Soba Noodles Irori

Puffed Rice Miso Soup with Soba Noodles

IRORI Set Menu (¥2530)

Cut straight to the chase, the entire meal is decent with hits and misses.

Hits: The Ironplate Egg, Deep-Fried Tofu in soy sauce, and the wild vegetable/flower thingy.
Wild vegetable/flower thingy - Really interesting and unique taste. Furthermore, it’s my first time eating something like this.

Misses: Broiled Hida Beef with Miso on Hoba Leaf
I think it is seriously normal, and I had a MUCH better A5 Hida Wagyu Beef later on from a specialised wagyu restaurant. Although that’s not a fair comparison in pricing, but I have to be objective with the grading.

Average: Everything else.

Overall, a filling meal and decent food, the main unique selling point will be the locally produced ingredients. Where a city person like me rarely gets to eat or try normally.

Rating: 3.5/5

Mountain Vegetables Set Menu Irori

Mountain Vegetables Set Menu

Crunchy Bamboo, Potato, Fresh Vegetables, Soy Sauce Vegetable, and Wasabi Vegetable Irori

Crunchy Bamboo, Potato, Fresh Vegetables, Soy Sauce Vegetable, and Wasabi Vegetable

Grilled Fish Irori

Grilled Fish

Steamed Tofu Irori

Steamed Tofu

“Fresh” taste Wild Vegetable Irori

“Fresh” taste Wild Vegetable

“Salted” taste Wild Vegetable Irori

“Salted” taste Wild Vegetable

Mountain Vegetables Set Menu (¥1980)

Wife ate this set, so this will be based on her review mainly, although I tried a bit of her food too.

On the overall, it is a new experience and taste with all the different types of wild vegetables.

Can feel the produce is very fresh and the encompass the taste of nature of the surrounding area, plus the different cooking methods bring out the strengths of each of the wild vegetables.

If you just choose 1 wild vegetable dish to eat as a standalone, you probably won’t feel the uniqueness/harmonious to it. But if you eat it as a meal, it compliments harmoniously as a set, the different taste and cooking methods of each dish. From boiling, sauteing, grilled, marinated cooking methods to taste like fresh, salty, spicy, sweet, bitter.

Not sure does all this wild vegetables can be found in other regions of Japan, but we believe it is only produced around the mountainous area, definitely a unique and new experience.

Rating: 3.75/5

Menu Irori


Menu Irori


Menu Irori


Interior Irori


Zashiki Style Seating Irori

Zashiki Style Seating


Definitely a wonderful experience dining in a traditional Gassho Zukuri and main thing food is good too!

It was a calming and peaceful time dining there too, even though there are also several other diners during our brunch visit but everyone kept their volume down while conversing.

We both feel that the wild vegetables is the most unique and interesting aspect of this visit, and you probably won’t have much choices in this area that will fare better than Irori.

Shop Front Irori

Shop Front

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Payment Method: Cash and Cards



(Last visited: October 2019)