
Seaburano Kami Main Store - Awesome seabura niboshi ramen in Kyoto!


Special Seabura Niboshi Soba
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Famous for their Tsubamesanjo-style ramen which is originated from Niigata, but modified to their own style. When we researched on it, we found it is very unique and never tried this style of ramen before, so here we are, trying new types of ramen!

2 different types of meat; rare and braised
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Bamboo Shoots
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Chose the round and medium thickness noodles
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Special Seabura Niboshi Soba (¥1150)

Another unique point of this restaurant, there are options for noodles and the char siu. You can either choose the round or flat ones for noodles, rare or braised (I think?) for the char shu.

As we bought the special bowl, typically that means all ingredients/topping for the bowl of ramen. So the bowl’s surface is almost maxed out. 4 pieces of char shu, ajitama, nori, menma, onions, negi, and also one of the main star of the restaurant; seabura (pork back fat).

Broth: Very rich taste and natural umami from the niboshi (dried sardines as the base) and also the generous amount of seabura (pork back fat). It does make the broth thick/heavier too, but not on the extreme scale like the legendary Fukuoka ramen restaurant Genki Ippai!!.

With the raw onions, spring onions, and also the black rose seaweed which you can add on your ramen for free on the table, it does mix up more flavours and texture (crunch) to the ramen.

Overall, you will experience umami seafood, meaty, subtle spicy, refreshing, and sweet taste all in one!

I truly enjoyed this broth, but then I do enjoy richer/heavier taste profiles ramen broth too. I personally feel most people in general will be able to enjoy this too, with the exception for those who strictly go for clean and light ramen broth only.

Char Shu: I chose the rare char shu, but I think the master include 1 piece of braised char shu for me to try.

Rare char shu is soft, but do need to bite in a bit, can feel certain fragrant/aroma when bite into it.

Braised char shu is even softer (than the rare char shu) and tender, melt in your mouth style when you eat it.

Both types of char shu are good just different, ratio of meat to fat pretty good / balance too, will suit all types of ramen eaters. Overall, nothing to complain but not outstanding though.

Ajitama: I think it’s alright, not those with full golden runny yolk.

Noodles: I chose the round noodles, wife chose the flat noodles.

Round Noodles: Round and of medium thickness. Nice bite and some chewiness to it.

Flat Noodles: Flat and of medium thickness, more ‘plumb-ish” when biting and chewiness to it.

Overall: Very delicious bowl of ramen with an interesting style and taste too, not something I could find anywhere in Japan.

Rating: 3.75/5

Special Seabura Niboshi Soba (braised char shu and flat noodles)
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Wife chose the braised char shu
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Wife chose the flat and slightly thicker noodles compared to mine
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Ultimate Seaburice
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Diced pork
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

That’s why they called it the Ultimate Seaburice, 1.5x of Seabura compared to regular Seaburice
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Very nice and bright egg yolk topped right in the middle of the rice!
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Ultimate Seaburice (¥500)

We also ordered a side dish, Ultimate Seaburice; in short it is a rice full of seabura + diced pork + spring onion + a very nice and bright egg yolk topped right in the middle of the rice.

We started by mixing the rice, which we need to poke the yolk, and it is wonderfully runny! Very very good start to this dish!

This dish is really for the meat/seabura lovers, meaty and saltiness taste from the seabura and diced pork, refreshing taste from the spring onion, creaminess from the runny yolk.

I for one, have never taken rice side dish offered by ramen restaurant seriously until this dish, it is really that good. It looks simple, taking some components from the main ramen dish and put it on the rice side dish with an addition of a runny yolk and diced pork.

But, it just works. The texture after mixing the runny yolk and seabura, and the taste of every ingredients on this bowl mixed together.

Now I just wonder, can we have a Grand Ultimate Seaburice with even more seabura for this rice side dish…

Rating: 3.75/5

Note: We ate this dish close to the end when we are about to finish the ramen, so the rice is not warm anymore AND yet still taste so good. It should taste even better when eaten right during serving, but to be honest it still won’t push up a notch to 4/5 score, as our ratings are very conservative/strict. So no impact on score here.

Heartland Beer (my fav beer of the trip to drink at restaurants)
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Slurp it all up!
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Free Black Rose Seaweed to add on to your ramen
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Member Card
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

Kaedama and dishes’ guide
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店


We will be back for more.

Really unique and interesting ramen to be found in Kyoto, while writing this post, I am thinking of their food already.

Probably one of the best ramen bowl if you are itching for a strong and heavy broth and taste profile to hit you right between the eyes.

Shop Front
Seaburano Kami Main Store セアブラノ神 壬生本店

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Address: 京都府 京都市中京区 壬生相合町 25-4 デイスターアベニュー 1F

Opening Hours: 11am-3pm, 6pm-9pm Daily

Payment Method: Cash



(Last visited: November 2022)