Spice Chamber - Simple and delicious dry keema curry style in Kyoto
Curry Rice Medium + Cheese + Yogurt
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Cosy shop tucked near Shijo Station and very near our hotel for Kyoto, known for their dry keema curry rice, and they only serve this one dish, so you know it’s going be of some standards!
Curry Rice Medium + Cheese
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Close up on the meat and cheese
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Pickled vegetables
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Curry Rice Medium + Cheese + Yogurt (¥950 + ¥150 + ¥250)
When you first enter the shop, you can see about 7 counter seats, and another room which has 2 tables for 2 seats, so that’s roughly a max of 11 diners at one time.
Presentation: Comes in a simple but interesting presentation; half of the rice covered with the keema curry and an ume (plum) right in the middle.
Taste: I believe there’s quite a varieties of herbs and spices to bring out the flavours, I definitely can see onions, red and green chilies.
This is not the typical Japanese curry which leans more towards to sweet and rather mild spice, but a keema curry with a bit of kick, like how we Singaporean (and Vietnamese) like it! Probably not for the faint hearted, as we do enjoy quite a bit of spice.
Cheese add-on: But with the add-on of cheese, it does have a nice balance of creamy cheesiness and bridge the contrasting taste of cheese, spice, and meatiness. A perfect combination with this keema curry!
Yogurt add-on: For those who really needs to further lower down the spice, do order the yogurt (with vegetables) to eat with it. For us, we don’t really need it (to lower the spice), but as a food reviewers, we attempt to try as much so we can experience and let you all know.
In our opinion, the best combo to order is Curry Rice Small + Cheese, as we trying to cut down on carbs and amount, cause need to try and experience as many different food and restaurants in Japan!.
Overall: Really great dish, it is simple but it is delicious, I mean delicious is the main point.
Rating: 3.75/5
PS: The staff and the master are very friendly, and do speak quite a bit of English (definitely enough to have a conversation going). We did have quite a bit of chat on the 2 visits we went, 2 days in a row by the way!
Maybe on our upcoming March/April 2023 Japan trip, hope they will still remember us if we do drop by again, since we have booked the same Kyoto hotel this time too.
Curry Rice Small + Cheese
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Close up
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Curry Rice Small + Cheese (¥950 + ¥150)
Exact same dish, just smaller portion, and without the yogurt add-on.
Just to include to show the size difference.
Rating: 3.75/5
CD and posters on the wall and shelves
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Menu Prices
Mainly just need to focus on the left hand corner for the main food dishes, the rest (drinks) you guys can use google translate camera to roughly get the idea.
Curry Rice:
Large - ¥1300
Medium - ¥1100
Small - ¥950
Cheese - ¥150
Yogurt - ¥250
Extra Pickles Vegetables - ¥100
Stickers and badges
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
More posters in the other dining area
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
More posters in the other dining area
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
Random Thoughts
Based on the decor, I would have thought the shop will be playing rock/metal music in the background, but for the 2 visits I when there isn’t.
Maybe the upcoming trip, I could hear it haha! \m/
Shop Front
Spice Chamber スパイスチャンバー
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Address: 京都府 京都市下京区 室町綾小路下る白楽天町502番地 福井ビル1F
Opening Hours: 11.30am-3pm Tuesday to Saturday, 6pm-9pm Tuesday to Friday.
Payment Method: Cash
Website: https://spicechamber.com/
Tabelog: https://tabelog.com/en/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26015938/
(Last visited: March 2023)