Kakiya - Great Oyster speciality restaurant in Miyajima!
Kakiya Set - Grilled Oysters
Oysters are a must-try if you are in Hiroshima, and especially so in winter season as it is the peak season for oysters over there.
We are already anticipating our lunch while queueing outside, as we can smell the heavenly fragrance of oysters being grilled near the entrance.
Kakiya Set
Kakiya Set - Simmered Oysters on Rice (Half Portion)
Kakiya Set - Oiled Oysters
Kakiya Set - Fried Oysters
Kakiya Set - Fried Oysters
Kakiya Set - Red Miso Oyster Soup
Kakiya Set (¥2150)
Since it’s our first time dining in Kakiya, we both opted for the Kakiya set which has a little bit of their entire menu (oyster in 5 different ways). The set consists of:
2 pieces of Grilled Oysters
Simmered Oysters on Rice (Half Portion)
Fried Oysters
Oiled Oyster
Red Miso Oyster Soup
Cabbage with Kakiya’s Original Oyster Dressing
Grilled Oysters
This is our favourite dish in the set, as mentioned even when we are queueing we are already drooling by the fragrance of the oysters being grilled.
Taste: When slurping down the oyster from the shell you can taste the natural brininess (taste of the sea) being accentuated by being grilled. Next, when you bite through the plump and juicy oyster, you can feel the sweetness and richness of the freshly grilled oyster.
Texture: Firm and all so slurpy goodness.
Simmered Oysters on Rice (Half Portion)
Taste: The rice is infused with the briny and sweetness of the oysters, each bite into the soft rice you can taste the rich flavour of the oyster and the sea. Oyster is a-ok cause it has been simmered and the texture is a bit firm, and most of the taste has already combined to the rice.
Texture: Soft rice, and a bit firm oyster.
Fried Oysters
Taste: The oysters are deep-fried nicely to a golden brown, and the batter is crisp. The oysters’ juices are also sealed properly in the batter. When you bite through it you can feel the moisture and juiciness of the oysters flowing through your mouth, and taste the natural flavour of it.
Texture: Crisp batter, moist and juicy oyster.
Oiled Oyster
Taste: Can’t really remember much other than it’s like a preserved type of oyster, marinated in grapeseed oil, and combined with cayenne pepper which gives a subtle spice kick.
Texture: Firm
Red Miso Oyster Soup
Taste: Ending off with a soup to warm the body. Soup is rich, with a subtle saltiness and sweetness in it.
Texture: Oyster is cooked till soft.
Rating: 3.5/5
If it’s just the Grilled Oysters, we will give it 3.75/5.
Hiroshima Lemon Soda
Hiroshima Lemon slices on top
Hiroshima Lemon Soda (¥500)
Hiroshima is also famous for its locally produced lemons (other than oysters and anago), so I decided to give this a try.
Rather refreshing mix, but the soda is too sweet for me. For context, I include very minimal sugar in my diet due to my preference and health reasons.
If they have a Lemon + Sparkling Water mix, I will definitely get it next time!
Rating: 3/5
Grilled Station
Shop Front
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Address: 広島県 廿日市市 宮島町 539
Opening Hours: 10am-6pm Daily
Payment Method: Cash
Website: http://www.kaki-ya.jp/
Tabelog: https://tabelog.com/en/hiroshima/A3402/A340202/34003363/
(Last visited: November 2019)