PAINDUCE - Huge array of breads made from local flour and seasonal produce
A highly rated bakery around the corner of BOTANI:CURRY, which we are having for lunch later that day. Since PAINDUCE is along the way, how could we pass up a chance to try it, and also just in time for breakfast!
Galette Bressane + Croissant + Tartine (¥320 + ¥240 + ¥480)
We bought 3 pieces to share for breakfast, Galette Bressane, Croissant, and Tartine (open sandwich baguettes).
Overall all of them are very good, parts need to be fluffy/airy they are, parts need to have a crunch they are, the taste is rich and savoury, and butter/flour mix is good.
We only ate 3 different pieces of their product and we really like it and feel it is of high standard and quality. They also have such a huge variety of breads.
Just a benchmark for my local Singapore readers, I will rate one of my favourite neighbourhood Japanese style bakery Yamazaki at 2.5/5, which is also by Yamazaki Baking (Japan).
There’s also an interview which gives quite a bit of insight into the head chef Masahiko Yoneyama, which you can read over here.
Rating: 3.25/5
Although the prices are slightly higher, averaging around ¥300-350 per piece. The quality is great, which I believe comes from the premium ingredients (local flour and seasonal produce), creativity, and skills of the bakers.
Is it worth it? Yes.
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Address: 大阪府 大阪市中央区 淡路町 4-3-1 FOBOSビル 1F
Opening Hours: 8am-7pm Weekday, 8am-6pm Saturday/PH, close on Sunday.
Payment Method: Cash
(Last visited: November 2019)